Level 2:

Course Duration: 34 Weeks


For more info on private one to one tuition email: info@isld.org.uk


Qualification Aim:

This qualification is designed to enable learners to develop their skills to communicate with Deaf people using British Sign Language (BSL) in a range of everyday situations. The qualification will allow learners to participate in longer and more varied conversations than at Level 1.

The course will develop communication in BSL about real life, routine and daily experiences. The learner will be able to deal with most routine communication and have enough understanding of grammar to cope with some non-routine communication.

Learners should be taught a number of regional variations in sign language. 

The qualification is divided into three units, each of which can be achieved seperately. 

The units can be done in any order at any time but it is recommended that the content of Unit BSL 201 is covered before Unit BSL 202 or BSL 203.

  • 201 BSL Receptive Skills (on DVD)

  • 202 BSL Productive Skills

  • 203 BSL Conversational Skills

Target Group:

Level 2 Certification in British Sign Language is suitable for those who:

  • Wish to achieve language skills at an intermediate level to improve communication with deaf people.

  • Are deaf and wish to gain a qualification in their native language.

  • Are family, friends or colleagues of deaf people.

  • Want to progress from Level 1 study in BSL and who may want to progress to a more advanced level of study in BSL at a later date.

  • Are studying for personal development.


All courses are accredited by Signature